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Atelier RZLBD is a boutique art & architecture practice based in Toronto founded by RZLBD*.

Works / Houses / Ideas / Models / Videos / ...

Genius Loci

Atelier RZLBD 220 Duncan Mill Road, # 617 Toronto, ON. M3B 3J5 Canada 10 am - 5 pm Mon to Thu 10 am - 1 pm Fri

Dal cucchiaio alla città

The répertoire ranges from making arts, crafting objects, designing buildings, curating installations, to publishing a zine called rzlbdPOST.

From a 17mm wide wedding ring to a 56km long housing proposal, the portfolio has been distinguished with numerous awards, exhibitions, and 100+ print publications.

+ve Virus

The practice is not just an ordinary service. Rather, it strongly believes that architecture and design, like a positive virus, must contribute to and/or challenge against the needs of each project, its context, its archetype and the zeitgeist.

Always in progress ...

Assets .
RZLBD* (Reza Aliabadi) OAA, MRAIC, Principal
James Chungwon Park Assitant
Khatoon († 2023) Falcon
100 Rooms Book
The Empty Room Book
RZLBD Hopscotch Book
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